• Ferruccio Laviani Three Table
  • Ferruccio Laviani Three Table
Three is the result of a simple intuition: that lightness is elegance, that real luxury, real wealth is simplicity. The soul of the project lies precisely in the desire to simplify an object like a table, concentrating on its most authentic characteristic element - the legs and their connection to the tabletop.

The table is supported on three legs: two on the short side - which have the shape of an upside-down U - and only one on the opposite side. A central bar, with the same style and finish as the legs, creates a connecting bridge offering at the same time both stability and elegance. On this structure with its severe geometric design is fixed the table top that, thanks to an elegant project design, seems to be literally floating in the air. Apart from the clean line,

Three has a great advantage compared to traditional work tables. Because it has a more open and lighter supporting base, it is easier to position a chest of drawers or a cabinet for PC disks and CDs. Three is available in two versions with differently matched finishes, representing either a basic work table, suitable for both the work environment or the "functional" areas of the home, like the kitchen - or as an elegant, sophisticated table.

The first version has a 2 cm. thick layered laminate tabletop in neutral colours - black and white - complementing the supporting structure in satined aluminium.

The second presents a difference in the thickness of the tabletop - reduced to 1 cm. - and in the material (satined aluminium for both legs and top), making this version of Three a table of importance, more suitable for dining rooms and administrative offices and conference rooms.

Supporting structure: satined aluminium
Tabletop: layered laminate or aluminium

cm. 80x110, 80x160, 80x290 Colours:

Supporting structure: satined and burnished aluminium;
Tabletop: Black/white, satined aluminium

Ferruccio Laviani
